Clean code software solutions

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We learn your business

Proactive clean code software agency

We exclusively employ senior software engineers that bring a business and goal oriented mindset to the table. We learn your business and vision, then work with you every step of the way to incrementally deliver the optimal software solution. Clean code first!

Technical prowess is not enough to deliver software that solves real problems. That's why instead of working off a list of requirements, we focus on proactively working alongside your domain experts, every day, to iterate towards the best solution together.

We deliver a minimal working product early, that you can use hands-on. We will then challenge it together and improve it in short cycles, while you remain flexible to course-correct at any time. This way you see your ideas come to life fast and evolve gradually into their final shape.

Seamless flexible integration. No management needed.

We can integrate into your team at any level, remote or on-site in Switzerland or from our Romanian office. Our engineers will take a hands-on, collaborative and proactive role thus saving you the need for additional management (and associated costs).

We can help augment your existing software engineering team or provide you a complete software engineering team to work with your domain experts. We're ready to step in at any stage of the software development lifecycle and give you a boost to reach your goals.

Software engineering

All our engineers have solid computer science knowledge and additional experience of several technology stacks. We continuously learn and polish our technical skills as well as spread the knowledge to others.

Clean code

We believe in things done right. That's why we focus on clean code, best practices, design patterns and principles. We focus on frequent value delivery and continuous improvement!

Quality Assurance (Automation)

Automate everything! We think the only scalable way to ensure the quality of a software solution is to automate its QA, be it on desktop, in browser or on device.

Our Services

We are constantly learning and experimenting with cutting edge technologies and can offer our expert knowledge for...

Web applications
Web applications

NodeJS, Asp.Net MVC, Express, Nest, Angular, React, Vue, Typescript, Mongo, *SQL, GraphQL

Hybrid mobile applications
Hybrid mobile applications

React Native, Ionic, Xamarin

Windows Applications and Services
Windows Applications and Services


Cloud and distributed applications
Cloud and distributed applications

Azure, AWS, Heroku

Software architecture
Software architecture

DDD, CQRS, Microservices, Design/Cloud Patterns, Enterprise application integration

QA Automation
QA Automation

Cypress, Selenium, Selenium Grid for Web, Appium (Mobile, Windows)

Our core values

We believe success is built on shared beliefs. Here's what you can always expect of us
Reliability and proactivity

We always deliver on our promises, while being clear on what we can and what we cannot do. We'll go the extra mile with you so that we are successful together and raise flags whenever needed so you can react quickly and course-correct on the fly.

Openness and transparency

Long-lasting partnerships are based on trust. We communicate often and openly, we ask for and give feedback constantly, we make our work visible and our costs clear.

Pragmatism and flexibility

We consider ourselves pragmatists. As business realities change we're flexible to change with them on a technical, organisational or contractual level.

Customers that trust us


Lines of code


Happy Users


Man-years experience

Join us

We're proud of our technical chops. And because we know technical excellence is hard, we offer unparalleled support for our employees:

  • 100% merit-based environment in a team of passionate professionals that help and teach each other every step of the way
  • Access to any learning resource: courses (Pluralsight, Coursera etc), books, conferences, internal knowledge sharing sessions, you name it
  • Challenging projects with the newest technologies and technical freedom to choose the best architecture and tools for the job
  • Flexible working hours and unlimited home office
  • Excellent compensation corellated 1-to-1 with performance
Fullstack Javascript Software Engineer

Keyword soup: Typescript, Node, Angular, React, HTML, CSS, SQL/NoSQL, AWS, Heroku.

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QA Automation Engineer

Keyword soup: Appium, Selenium, Java, SQL, Mobile, Cloud.

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Fullstack .NET Software Engineer

Keyword soup: .Net Core, MVC, WPF, Windows Services, HTML, CSS, SQL/NoSQL, Azure.

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Some of our Frequently Asked Questions

Contact us below for any other topics.

How would a collaboration with you start?

Contact us to set up a face-to-face meeting (DACH or RO). We're happy to sit down and understand your needs so we can propose ways we can help. Our advice is always free of charge, we only charge for deliverable value.

What contract models do you offer?

We offer fixed-price, time & materials as well as anything in between. You can even mix & match depending on project, team, location or other factors convenient to you.

Do you work on-site or remote?

Usually a combination. We prefer to always start on-site to kick things off as well as ramp up quickly the business and technical knowledge. Afterwards, we can continue on-site, remotely or a combination of the two.

Are you interested in partnerships for product-development?

Of course! If you have an idea and would like to partner up with an awesome engineering team, let us know. We're always fair and are happy to assess the technical feasibility of your idea together, while also maybe challenging it from other angles ;)

Do you use/prefer Scrum or can work with classic SDLC methodologies?

We think agility is a mindset. We know Scrum, XP, Kanban etc. but are zealots of none. We feel it's important to be pragmatic. We have experience working in regulated environments while still delivering value in an agile way.

Do you offer technical or process guidance?

Yes! If you are stuck on a technical issue, you feel that the software development process you use hinders your progress or you simply want a second pair of eyes, we can help. We'll sit down with you and your team, understand your pain points and come up with concrete, actionable advice.

More questions?Contact us

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